Collagen and the Battle against Skin Aging
Skin aging is a fact of life; everyone will face it sooner or later! Did you know that after the age of 20, the dermis layer produces 1% less collagen each year? Unfortunately, it is a natural aging process!
However, how our skin ages is something we DO have control over! But in order to understand why we age, it is important to know the basics of the skin.
In our twenties, the skin’s exfoliation process decreases by 28%. This means our dead skin cells stick together for longer periods of time. In our thirties, the transfer of moisture from the dermis to the epidermis is slowed and fat cells begin to shrink. These effects make the skin look dull and thin.
When we reach our forties, our collagen is reduced significantly – meaning the collagen and elastin fibers break and lose their elasticity in the process. Finally, in our fifties, the skin becomes dry and more easily bruised as the sebaceous glands (which produce oil) have decreased in size. In women, menopause also decreases estrogen levels, leaving the skin drier and less toned.
Are There Ways To Delay The Aging Process?
You cannot stop the aging process that takes place over the years, but you can take steps to replenish the collagen and hydration in your skin. You can also control what happens as a result of environmental and lifestyle factors, such as smoking and excessive sun exposure.
Smoking is the biggest cause of aging, as it accelerates the aging process by constricting the blood vessels. The decreased blood flow to your skin prevents oxygen and other nutrients from reaching the skin. This causes damage to the collagen and elasticity fibers in the skin which causes wrinkles and sagging skin.
Excessive sun exposure also accelerates the skin aging process. This is because ultraviolet (UV) radiation causes damage to DNA molecules, resulting in premature aging. Did you know that people who use broad-spectrum sunscreen on a daily basis experience 24 percent less skin aging than those who use sunscreen only intermittently?
Measures To Protect Our Skin To Keep It From Aging More Than It Needs To
How our skin ages is something we DO have control over and devising a good skin routine is key. Prevention is key to minimizing wrinkles, pigmentation and uneven skin tone. A daily skincare routine is essential for maintaining the health, hydration, and radiance of the skin. For chronic issues like aging, acne, and sun damage, however, professional treatments will be necessary to achieve the desired result.
Skincare with Peptides, Vitamins C and hydration can help stimulate collagen regeneration to reduce the signs of aging. In addition, Retinol which is a form of vitamin A and contains retinoids will boost collagen production. However when it comes to boosting collagen production, if you want to take your collagen building to the next level start by adding most to your skin care routine from Sanctuary Salon & Med Spa and experience a luxury facial treatment in Orlando.
Medical Grade Facials & Peels will improve the appearance of dull, wrinkled skin by providing deep exfoliation and nourishing the skin. They contain vital nutrients that stimulate significant cell turnover, which leads to brighter, smoother looking skin. Micro-needling stimulates the production of collagen in the skin.
This medical grade treatment from the best day spa in Orlando will not only improve the skin’s appearance, but can also be used to treat hyper-pigmentation, stretch marks, acne scars and fine lines and wrinkles and can reverse the signs of sun damage.
Sublative Rejuvenation
Sublative is considered the next generation of safe and effective rejuvenation technology enabling you to achieve a more youthful appearance. With Sublative Rejuvenation you can expect to see improvement in texture, brightness and tightness of their skin, as well as a serious improvement in the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, scarring and skin tone. Perfect for those with warmer and darker skin tones that cannot do laser skin rejuvenation and are prone to hyperpigmentation.
Sublime Rejuvenation – the first and only technology that uses combined energies to effectively stimulate collagen production and improve your overall skin quality in areas that are most telling when it comes to age, such as eyes, brow lines, cheeks and neck. Improve superficial imperfections for skin tone, texture and excellent for skin contouring. Start caring about your collagen now. Call today to make your FREE skin care consultation. It’s never too early to start protecting the collagen in your skin. Sanctuary Salon & Med Spa also provides you with some other best services like – Brazilian Keratin Treatment, Keratin Treatment, Facials Massages, Swedish Massage, Spa Treatments and Laser Hair Treatment in Orlando.