Moms Make Time for Me-Time
Toddler snot on your suit jacket, wrinkled pants from sitting in a car driving teens (and their friends) everywhere they need to go, sleep deprivation from the newborn. Moms of kids all ages have one thing in common: while taking care of everything and everybody else, they forget to practice critical self-care strategies that can keep the whole ship from sinking.
Moms, hear this. Unite and put an end to the madness. This Mother’s Day needs to be about you and your therapist, massage therapist that is.
Massage is not pampering–it’s survival. You’ve heard the benefits of massage no doubt. It reduces stress, pain, and muscle tension for starters. Then there’s improved circulation which makes the whole body run smoother, and keeps you more suited to run after those munchkins.
But best of all, you’re alone. Just you and the therapist with soothing music for a delicious hour or 90 minutes, head face down in the cradle with one mission only-to let go. (As a mom, you know even finding bathroom time alone is a challenge. If it’s not the kids pounding on the door or texting you or the doorbell ringing, it’s the dog who wants to join you. Alone time is a rare mom commodity.)
You’ve decided! You’re going to do it. You’re writing massage on your Mother’s Day list and posting it everywhere around the house and including in your child’s lunchbox: “Mom’s getting a massage for Mother’s Day!” If they don’t get the hint, you’re buying one yourself. It’s just the responsible thing to do.
Can you see them? The dim lights, the scent of spa that hits you as you open the oversize door, the iced lemon water, the iced wash cloths, your own robe and slippers. These all enhance the spa experience and relax you immediately. Let’s face it.
They make you want to pack your bags and move in. Face it. With all you do in your 24/7 job, it’s time somebody takes care of you. We got this. Come visit us and we’ll prove it.
Mother’s Day is your day. Own it. Mandy Hale says, “It’s not selfish to love yourself, take care of yourself, and to make your happiness a priority. It’s necessary.” Word up, Mandy. Just by practicing a little self-care on Mother’s Day, you can don that super-mom cape the other 364 days of the year, and soar higher than you ever imagined.