Hydra-Refining Facial: Resuscitate your Skin!
Gentle and non-invasive, Sanctuary Salon & Med Spa’s Hydra Refining Facial has become the best day spa care treatment that more and more people are turning to as their “go to” skincare routine that delivers GREAT results with no downtime. Highly effective, this customizable luxury facial treatment in Orlando, Florida can be used on almost any skin condition and on any skin type.
What is a Hydra-Refining Facial?
Our Hydra-Refining Facial is a four phase skin treatment that delivers exfoliation, cleansing, extraction and hydration to the face by removing dead skin, dirt, debris and impurities while cleaning and soothing the skin all in just one facial treatment that takes about an hour.
This is what happens during your Hydra-Refining Facial:
Deep Cleaning: This facial treatment Open pores and clears away sebum oil and debris.
Exfoliate: Removes dead skin cells and promotes the production of healthy new skin cells revealing healthier skin with improved texture and evenness.
Extract: A gentle vacuum is used to clear clogged pores giving the same benefits of physical extractions without the severe reactions of irritation or redness.
Hydrate: The name says it all – Hydra. This treatment gives all the benefits of a moisturizing facial. Customizable serums are delivered which allows moisture to penetrate the skin and deliver optimum hydration and glow.
Our Hydra-Refining Facial is a revolutionary gentle, non-invasive all-inclusive treatment that instantly improves fine lines, wrinkles, brown spots and oily and congested skin to reveal radiant, healthy skin! Your first step toward establishing a healthy skin rejuvenation regimen! Call today to schedule your Hydra-Refining Facial to unlock your potential and resuscitate your skin.